Building Your Community

Our Expertise

Team Building * Community Events * Leadership Growth * Onboarding Days

Our private events are for companies, associations, meetups, start-ups or simply a group of friends that want to grow closer together.


Our Goal

Building your community is also a high priority for us. Which is why we desire to design and facilitate interactive experiences that intertwine fun, activity and communication to foster stronger relationships within your teams or community groups. We love trying new things and feel that doing things different leads to creativity and memories.


How We Design

Each experience is tailored to your team or community so that it is more than just an event and promotes deeper connections long after the event is finished. We incorporate our background in psychology, education, and coaching mixed with several techniques to promote communication along with a bit of lightheartedness.


The Tools

Games, challenges, out-of-the-box scenarios, and cooking with appetizing ingredients are a few of the methods that we use to help everyone to enjoy and get to know each other a little deeper. We facilitate from beginning to end so that no matter the events of the day each person has gained something that they can walk away with along with a joyous memory.

Want us to design an experience for you?

Every experience is tailored. Let us know What you are looking for.

Strengthened Community 
Collaboration Encouraged
Creativity Promoted

Happier Working Environment 
Relationships Improved 
More Likely to Share a Laugh

Better Communication 
Co-workers/ Community Members are More Than Just a Name

Encourages Risk Taking
Problem Solving Skills Developed 
Improved Motivation and Momentum

For Employees

Reaching a goal or supporting customers is a great focus but to achieve a truly successful company, it relies on the people working in it. We want to support you and your teams to strengthen relationships with each other and internal communication along with placing value through a different type of team-building exercise.

communication and connection through making homemade pasta

For Management Teams

Whether your management team has been recently hatched or has been around since the dawn of time, each of us could use a chance to connect with each other outside of deadlines and everyday stresses.

For Communities

Community or meet-up groups are usually built around a shared purpose or goal but sometimes it is easy to get caught up in tasks or not grow past first introductions. We understand this and want to help you shake things up a little and let members get to know each other in a new way- bringing everyone closer with a little fresh energy.

team building